
Vitamins and Minerals

Dried fruits and nuts have always played an important role in our diet. Our body requires their consumption, we need the vitamins and minerals stored in them at every stage of our lives to stay healthy.

On this page you will find the vitamins and minerals which occur in dried fruits and nuts.


Vitamin A (retinol) 

Vitamin A helps treat low vision and many eye problems. It is also called an epithelial vitamin because it helps maintain the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive systems along with the integrity of the skin. It also plays an important role in the proper growth of body tissues and the development of strong bones.

Source: aszalt szilva, dried sour cherrie, raisins, cashews

B vitamins 

Vitamin B1 (thiamine, aneurine) 

Vitamin B1, is involved in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism and energy supply to the nervous system. It strengthens the immune system and heart, improves mental activity, and reduces digestive complaints.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin, lactoflavin) 

Vitamin B2 plays an important role in the breakdown of fatty acids and in detoxification. In addition, it is an immune booster, improves vision and helps heal skin injuries.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 

Vitamin B6 is essential for the formation and breakdown of proteins needed to build and maintain muscle and other tissues. It plays an important role in balancing sex hormones as well as in the balanced functioning of the nervous system.

Vitamin B12 

Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the recycling of enzymes that help maintain nerve and other cell health. Vitamin B12 is an immune booster, reduces heart disease, prevents anemia, stimulates body growth, and protects the nervous system. Recent research has shown that it delays the development of AIDS in HIV-infected patients.

Source of B vitamins: aszalt szilva, aszalt alma, mandula, cashews, peanuts, dió

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

Vitamin C is essential for many metabolic processes in the body, including the construction of connective tissues and the production of collagen, which plays an important role in maintaining the health of the skin and bones. Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant, boosting immune system responses by increasing the number of white blood cells, stimulating their activity, and providing protection against cancer, heart disease, and certain infections.

Source: aszalt alma, dried apricots, aszalt szilva, dried sour cherrie

Vitamin D (calciferol)

Vitamin D, along with hormones and other vitamins, helps in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, as well as the deposition of minerals in bone tissue.

Source: mandula, peanuts, törökmogyoró, pistachios, cashews

Vitamin E (tocopherol)

Vitamin E is an antioxidant compound that binds to harmful free radicals. It plays a particularly important role in maintaining cell walls along with the health of the skin, nerves, muscles, and heart. Vitamin E, unlike other fat-soluble vitamins, is only stored in the body for a short time, so regular supplementation is essential.

Source: peanuts, mandula, aszalt szilva, dried sour cherrie

Folic acid (pteroylglutamic acid)

Folic acid is especially important for pregnant mothers because it reduces the risk of an open spine in the early stages of pregnancy. In addition, it is an immune booster, provides protection against vascular and heart problems, and helps with the absorption of iron.

Source: raisins, mogyoró, aszalt szilva

Vitamin K

Vitamin K plays an important role in blood clotting and in the production of proteins responsible for maintaining strong teeth and bones.

Source: cashews, raisins, aszalt szilva


Phosphorus (P)

Phosphorus plays an important role in maintaining the health of bones and teeth. In addition, it is essential for the conversion and regulation of energy from fats and carbohydrates in food.

Source: mandula, pistachios, dió, dried apricots, raisins, aszalt szilva

Calcium (Ca)

Calcium, the most abundant mineral in the human body, provides strong bones and healthy teeth. It is crucial for the functioning of the muscles, the nervous system, some enzymes, and the stimulation of blood clotting.

Source: pistachios, dió, dried apricots, raisins, aszalt szilva, peanuts, mandula, sunflower seeds, vörösáfonya

Potassium (K)

Potassium maintains the balance of the body's fluids along with ensuring the smooth functioning of the body's muscles and nerves.

Source: pistachios, mandula, dió, peanuts, dried sour cherrie, aszalt szilva, raisins, pine nuts, sunflower seeds, coconut chips

Magnesium (Mg)

Magnesium is essential for building and maintaining strong bones and healthy teeth. Furthermore, it is necessary for muscle relaxation as well as healthy nerve and heart function. Magnesium also has the benefit of reducing cholesterol levels and the likelihood of developing kidney stones of a certain composition.

Source: aszalt szilva, mandula, cashews, dió, mogyoró, coconut chips, pine nuts, pistachios, sunflower seeds

Copper (Cu

Copper helps in the absorption of iron in the body. It also plays an important role in the function of several proteins relating to growth regulation and the proper functioning of nerves.

Source: dió, sunflower seeds, pine nuts, peanuts, aszalt szilva

Iron (Fe)

The most important function of iron is to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body. It is also essential for cell growth, regeneration, and the functioning of the immune system.

Source: peanuts, dió, dried apricots, aszalt szilva, pistachios, sunflower seeds, mandula, coconut chips